All existing members of the association who wish to terminate their membership shall observe confidentiality of the practices of the association even after departure as a member.

During the Company’s membership with HADSAP, the association disclosed to the member Company certain confidential Information during the course of the Company’s membership, which has great value to HADSAP’s establishment.

Accordingly, HADSAP has the right to impose to the member Company to observe the strictest confidence and not to directly or indirectly, use, make available, disclose, or otherwise communicate to any third party any of HADSAP’s confidential information. This obligation with respect to the confidential information of HADSAP continues even after the termination of the Company’s membership.

Moreover, the member Company shall immediately deliver to HADSAP all copies of any and all materials and writings received from, created for, or belonging to the company including, but not limited to, those which relate to or contain confidential information, on or before the effective date of Company’s membership termination.


1.The association’s Board of Directors following due process will deal with all complaints.

2. Any member Company who believes that another member Company has violated the code of ethics of the association may notify the Board of HADSAP in writing and may request for a formal investigation. The letter must clearly state that it is a formal complaint and should specify the section(s) of the code that are alleged to be violated.

3. Supporting documentation and physical evidence must be presented to the Board of Directors.

4. HADSAP will issue a letter to both the complainant and offender about the investigation procedure of a certain complaint.

5. HADSAP will also allow the offender member to provide an explanation on a given duration.

6. After the due process has been taken and evidence were reviewed, the Board of Directors, based on actual and truthful facts, will discuss the matter and the decision will be notified to both parties by the association.


Any member Company that violates the association’s code of ethics will be subject to any of the following sanctions:

1 .A requirement to release a letter ordering the member Company to discontinue any malpractices/violations in the code of ethics of the association.

2. A requirement to amend, destroy, or recall any offending materials.

3.A requirement to have future advertising and promotional materials pre-cleared by the association.

4. A requirement to deposit a bond equivalent to the membership fee of the association to be released after 12 months of sanction clearance provided that no similar or major offense will be recorded against and violated by the member Company in the period of sanction clearance. If in the said duration, the member Company violates against the association’s code of ethics, the deposited bond will be subject to forfeiture.

5. Suspension or exclusion from membership.

6. Refer the matter to the proper authorities.

Should a member refuse to comply with the sanction imposed by HADSAP, the offense would be made known to all the members of the association, or to the public by way of newsletter and notifications to media.


This code shall take effect upon adoption by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors present and voting duly held for the purpose on the 17th day of November 2010 at Mandaluyong City, Philippines.